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Frequently Asked Questions

We got answers

Explore our latest designs that we've done for our clients across variety of industries.

  • What is a partial vehicle wrap?
    A partial vehicle wrap is a cost-effective option for advertising or branding purposes, as it involves covering only specific areas of the vehicle with vinyl graphics. Typically, this includes the driver and passenger sides, along with the rear of the vehicle. By covering only these sections, less material is required, and the installation process is quicker since it doesn't involve wrapping around every crevice or component of the vehicle. This option is popular for businesses who want to make an impact with their vehicle's appearance without the expense of a full wrap. It still provides ample space for branding and messaging while being more budget-friendly.
  • What type of vehicles or heavy duty equipment can you do installation for?
    Most of our work is spent installing on cars, trucks, vans, trailers, and box trucks. We avoid partial or full wrap installations on semis or other heavy-duty equipment due to limited overhead space. However, we can provide decals and lettering for semis as it does not require an overnight installation.
  • How long do vehicle wraps last?
    Typically, a wrap will hold up for about 3 years, give or take, depending on how well the vehicle is cared for and the environments it faces. We exclusively use Avery wrap film and laminate, with the manufacturer estimating the durability at 5-7 years on vertical surfaces. For optimal results, we suggest considering a re-wrap every 3 years. This timeframe ensures easy removal of the wrap. Regular washing is key to extending the life of the wrap. We recommend hand washing to prevent any damage that could occur with pressure washers or automatic car wash machines.
  • How are wrap prices determined?
    Wraps are priced per square foot, with an average full vehicle wrap starting at around $5000. This is significantly lower than the ongoing rental costs of a billboard flight which costs around $900 dollars per 30 days. Investing in a wrap pays off over two year or more. To get an accurate quote for your vehicle, contact us today with the specifics. While are prices are higher than most, our quality work is proven to shock value for your business.
  • How long does it take to wrap a vehicle?
    The creative process can span from 2 days to a couple of weeks, depending on the complexity of the design and revisions. Once the design is finalized and the wrap is printed, installation typically takes 3 to 5 days.
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